After a little SummerPause...
Hi to all, specially to aradeonas
Get the latest Version from my DropBox - added:- AudioFiles-Support -> Now, You can play as well all AudioFile-Formats, that are supported by this FFmpeg-Version.
=> FFPlay4Laz has turned from a VideoPlayer to a MediaPlayer.
- Portaudio-AudioOutput - Currently this is done with the Portaudio-CallbackFunction; doing it with a Loop will be implemented later.
- In this Version, You can't select the SoundCard/SoundDevice, so the Standard-Settings are used.
(But I can do it by Code -> beautiful ASIO-Sound.)
NOTE: Both are not fully worked out yet.
- Portaudio works best in [Loop]-Mode; sometimes a [Pause}->[Unpause] is required to make the Sound work properly.
- When changing between Audio- and VideoFiles, "Quickload" does not work always well. In this Case, You have to
press [Stop]->[Close] before loading the next MediaFile.
- and, and, and, ... -> Long ToDo-List
But, hey, it's all under heavy Development.
For the Moment, I only need to know, if and how the App's Components run on other PCs.
The Day for updating the FFmpeg-Version is coming nearer.
Meanwhile I've downloaded newer FFmpeg-Wrappers from the Link You gave to me:> Question:What do You think, with which Wrappers better to go on, e.g. for Future-CopyrightStuff:
With those from 'UltraStar', or with those from 'FFVCL':