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--- Quote from: "sekel" ---
I think it would be valuable for other FPC-WinCE users.
--- End quote ---

I fear, it is not so easy to become a FPC-WinCE user. I tried (thank you CCRDude, for this work) but it was impossible for me, to get a running crosscompiler out of the latest FPC 2.1.x snapshot.  I got the ppcrossarm.exe, but compiling the rtl failed.

Regards, Bernd.

I have submitted a bug report for this issue. BTW, try to add to rtl/arm/ this code:

--- Code: ---function InterLockedCompareExchange(var Target: longint; NewValue: longint; Comperand: longint): longint;
    if Target=Comperand then

--- End code ---

and recompile rtl


--- Quote from: "Anonymous" ---I fear, it is not so easy to become a FPC-WinCE user.
--- End quote ---

The 2.1.x subversion source code is very unstable, so some days it works, some days it compiles but doesn´t work and some days it doesn´t even compile.

We could use a snapshots with a reasonably stable precompiled fpc-wince. I hope we can create this on July where at least I will be on partial vacations.


--- Quote from: "sekel" ---
We could use a snapshots with a reasonably stable precompiled fpc-wince. I hope we can create this on July where at least I will be on partial vacations.
--- End quote ---

This would help a lot.

Regards, Bernd.


using dev branch has his counterpart,
globally it improve a lot but several big changes can brake little things...and in last weeks there have been several big changes.
it will be better after 1st release including arm-wince (it seem not to be planned for 2.0.4 release)

i'm using a lot fpc for arm-wince (native api call, not with lcl) and as you already know : not all snv are usable.
svn versions on wich i've had good results are :
3068, 3462, 3539, 3621, 3672, 3732, 3919
not that on latests ones you must use -Xi to use internal linker.

on my pov it's better to have 2 fpc trees one 'stable' (i suggest 3919 or 3732) for working and one for testing latest svn improvement AND reporting bugs, if there are :)



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