Forum > Third party
FP-VISA - A simple component to connect to VISA instruments
I've done a simple header conversion for VISA, and implemented a small component to make it easy to communicate with SCPI instruments.
For now the header only supports windows, uses static linking, and has some known bugs, but it should be crossplatform with minimal changes. Feel free to send me a pull request if you get it working on Linux and mac :)
Over the years I've had great use of it for experiments, so here it is:
This is great and will replace my miniVisa headers, which i created for a test. Unfortunately, i did not succeed to install the drivers for an Agilent USB-Daq box on Windows and we finally switched to a cheap non-VISA box from BMC. I also tried to use the Agilent box from Mac OS X, but no success either. Maybe, I have another go at it, since I have a project with high school students with Delphi background. Besides naming the library, I expect no further changes for Mac OS X and Linux.
Sounds strange. I've never had any problems with Agilent/Keysight's IO Libraries.
Did you try NI's VISA implementation instead?
Btw, units like VISAtypes become increasingly redundant now that both FPC and current Delphi versions (say since XE2) have a full set of (u)int8..(u)int64 types defined.
Sort of agreed, but it's just to provide actual visa compatible types, like viUint8, etc.
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