Forum > Designer

Convert Delphi form results in invisible/hidden controls

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I have gotten all my compile to code. When opening a Delphi form in lazarus (simply by pressing F12), I also get minimum of warnings of properties i can just ignore.

However, one thing that seems o happen sometimes is that nested controls become hidden somehow. Looking in objec inspecor it seems paren stuff is correct, but when looking in the form designer, it looks wrong - see attached screenshot:

Any ideas on what is wrong and how I can solve it?

Some tips:

- I don't see the groupbox either!? You might want to start there.
- Try ALT-F12 to edit the form in text, check for out of bound coordinates and width/height
- Backup, thenput a panel on the ttabsheet,  set it to alclient, and all its bevels to 0. Then in the structure view (the tree view above the object inspector) drag the groupboxes on the panel.

yes, it is muliple nestetd controls that are invisible. However I am currently trying to work though i. I will write again if/when I reach a conclusion on if anyhing in particular causes this issue

I am almost sure that there is a rendering problem with TGroupBox.

I can save/load the same form in Lazarus/Delphi meaning the coordinates are stored/persisted correctly - just seemingly rendered incorrectly in Lazarus?

My form in Delphi
Designtime: Looks good
Runtime: Looks good

My form in Lazarus
Designtime: Either controls in groupbox hidden or changed position
Runtime: Controls in groupbox changed position

I have screenshots here in Lazarus:

What happens if you cut the group box onto the clipboard (right click on gbUserInterfacePersistenceV in the Object Inspector and choose cut), then paste it onto the correct Tabsheet in the form?
What you're seeing is wierd (no designer grid in your Tabsheet for a start), and I'm thinking the process of removing components and reinserting may uncorrupt whatever has gone wrong...


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