Forum > Beginners

Make main class wait for another class (console program)

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--- Quote from: Blaazen on August 12, 2014, 10:53:10 pm ---I don't know. Maybe it is possible but I don't know how.

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Any other place I could ask? Thanks already for your time!

Mailing list. Follow the links on the left (Lazarus -> Mailing List).

You can always start a thread in main unit, that just keeps checking for your condition to do something.


--- Quote from: BlueMoony on August 12, 2014, 10:22:47 pm ---So to clear things up: there is no way to make the console application in the first place (main unit) "wait"? There is no available function/procedure that allows me to do actually the same thing a Form/Dialogbox does: wait/loop?

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MSEgui has the unit "msenogui". If "msenogui" is in "uses" of the main program instead of "msegui" it will build a event driven application environment like a normal MSEgui application but without gui library. So one can use datamodules and all non-visual components as normal. Examples are here:
I fear starting an application without gui and load gui libraries later on demand is not an easy task.

Fred vS:

--- Quote ---I fear starting an application without gui and load gui libraries later on demand is not an easy task.
--- End quote ---

Hum, you could also do it with fpGUIlib (library version of fpGUI)

 see fpc example =>

But at the moment only a few part of the huge set of fpGUI widgets is implemented in fpGUIlib.  :-X


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