Forum > Linux

Build All


I just installed Lazarus and set up a small project - a few buttons, etc.  All goes well when I use Build to re-build my Unit1,
but when I try Build All it tries to recompile some things from GTK and XLib, which fails.
I traced the failure to "GTK1" not being defined, so I just added dGTK1 to my .fpc.cfg.

Is Build All supposed to build these files.  I would have expected that it would just rebuild all files in the project.
Could I have something mis-configured?  The Build All does succeed after adding the definition for GTK1.

It also seems that since I am using the GTK widget set (it is checked in compiler options) that Lazarus would (should) define GTK1 automatically?

If someone could clarify how this works it would be helpful.

Vincent Snijders:
These things shouldn't be recompiled by lazarus. Under normal circumstances lazarus should use the precompiled units for gtk and Xlib.

Try do find out where you set a path to the sources of these units. They shouldn't be in the compiler options; if they are there remove them.



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