Well, GUI application works quite fine on emulator and device, that's great!
I'll probably write a Win-Lazarus mini-app for automating all the installation steps right now, to be able to repeat it quickly with new versions
My questions:
1. How can I get a "normal" window; "normal" meaning auto alignment to maximal window size and window title in the common place?
2. Is there a workaround for the exit-only-after-another-click bug?
3. How do I reduce the file size (can I also use smart-linking? GUI option for that won't help)?
4. FindFirst/FindNext won't work with the Windows folder or some files in there, is there maybe another special attribute that would be needed to be included in faAnyFile on WinCE?
And a few other things I noticed using WinCE:
* Rotating the display, alignments (alTop, alClient) etc. won't be used
* WindowState = wsMaximized does minimize the window to title only
* While normally the Windows menu is at the top, a Lazarus app will move the Windows menu to the bottom with its own header on top.
* MessageDlg is not modal, and in the background
* TCustomForm.ShowModal does not draw correctly; buttons of new form get overlayed over old form, only when focusing a button the whole form appears.
* TLabel.Font.Size = 0 is different from other font sizes; had to manually adjust them to 9.