New version 11.3
- support for Qt5
- compilation path include widgetset
- update LGPL license
- add FontExists function to text renderers
Layer blending
- add HSL and corrected HSL (GSB) blend modes
- add blend with solid color rectangle instead of bitmap
- possible to exclude channels from blending
- read substacks
- more permissive image format
- support for SVG layers (compatible with MyPaint)
- remove obsolete PNG hack
- fix path of thumbnail on non-Windows platforms
- fix units (this may change the behavior but it was not consistent with spec, you may thus need to exchange pixel units and custom units and to scale the values according to view box)
- support for % coordinates
- add ConvertToUnit function
- add CropToViewbox function
- functions to get presentation matrix (transform to apply before drawing in view box units)
- more functions to append, move and remove elements
- more LCL-typed attributes (font style, line cap, line join)
- gradients: support for gradient on stroke, spreadMethod and color interpolation
- text: support for characters rotation and offset, font list fallback
- support for paint order
- support for A tag (anchor, similar to group)
- support for IMG tag (image with inline data)
Layered SVG
- support for layers (read/write, compatible with Inkscape)
- export from other originals (gradient, image)
- use vectorized font in original
- handles duplicate ids in different groups
To load/save as layered SVG, you need to use TBGRALayeredSVG class from BGRASVGOriginal unit. Then you can add/remove layers, either bitmap or SVG or any original that supports SVG export.