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change title bar icon in fpgui program?

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Is there a way to change the icon in the title bar of a program written using fpgui?


Setting the lazarus form caption should propagate that to the FPGUI widgetset backend. If not, that is a bug in lcl-fpgui

I haven't been using a Lazarus form.  I created the project using "Create a new project" then "Program" and then the form is defined in the text source.  I can't actually see it until I compile the program.

I figured it out.

In Lazarus do Project > Project Options...

Under "Application" you can select an icon file just the same as you would for an LCL app.

Works in Windows but not Linux but I think that this is not unique to fpgui


--- Quote ---I haven't been using a Lazarus form.  I created the project using "Create a new project" then "Program" and then the form is defined in the text source.  I can't actually see it until I compile the program.
--- End quote ---

You can use the form designer

2-Project->Project options->Compiler Option-> Additions and Overrides
click "Set LCLwidgetTYpe"/SELECT "value fpgui"
Note : Some tools do not work
*not work :PageControl
*work      : buttons-input-memo-edit-ProgressBar-MenuItem-ListBox-GroupBox


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