BGRAControls 3.4 released: Added bgrascript.pas (own scripting system): line by line scripting unit with test project.
- Added Rain: two projects with rain animation
- Added more filters in bcfilters.pas
- Added bgraled and bgraknob: mod versions of ueled and ueknob
- Improved AnimatedGifToSprite in BGRASpriteAnimation
- Fixes in BGRASpriteAnimation
- Pix2SVG project: The matrix of pixels is converted to a matrix of rectangles. This is usefull for pixel-art done with svg software.
- BCTileMap: tilemap support and test project
- Improved bcimagebutton: hover state not lost when modal show on the button (fixed by riad02)
- Added BGRAPascalScript with test
- Added BGRAPascalScriptLibrary with test to create bgrabitmap.dll with BGRAPascalScript unit
Notes- The BGRAScript is not the same as BGRAPascalScript. The first is an own script system very limited, but you can easilly grow it adding more functions. The second uses Pascal Script and comes with a IDE plugin, usage is demostrated in a test project.
- BGRAPascalScriptLibrary uses BGRAPascalScript to create a library (.dll, etc..)
- BCTileMap is included but no longer updated, if you want a improved version get it with BGRA Games:,26026.0.html