well thanks.
although with this compiler also file size is around 9mg and after wince-arm-strip utility it gets down to 2.
But the executables do work, right?
Yes, here they are 9MB too =/
But don´t worry about it too much, this is probably just some features being added to the Compiler that are causing instability. In 2 weeks (a wild guess) it should be back to normal 2MB before strip again.
about lcl interfaces,is there any reason why they are not so alike win32 interfaces?
as they do almost very same tasks?
Well, only because I´m the only one so far to send patches to wince interface =) And I have a anormous amount of other things to do.
A simple copy isn´t possible (I tryed it) because WinCE lacks many API functions. Also, all functions that deal with strings must translate them to the appropriate charset as Lazarus IDE uses utf-8 or iso and WinCE is pure utf-16
We need to copy some parts, modify others and add some wince specific code to deal with charset, etc.
i have implemented lots of other controls,just wondering how coding styles should be...
Great! I can´t wait to try it =)
The coding style is the Borland style.
There are 3 wiki pages you should read:
http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/How_To_Help_Developing_Lazarushttp://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/DesignGuidelineshttp://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/Creating_A_Patchfor example i dont like calling and seeing MultiByteToWideChar whenever i want something to be trasfered to unicode and backward..so i've implemented strtounicode as a simple function.
for example is there a problem with doing so or not?
No, not a problem. Just put it at a suitable place. There is usually a unit on each interface for miscelaneous functions. I think for wince it should be called winceproc.
anyway where to send modified sources?
Please, join the Lazarus Mailing List and send them as a attachment. Careful that attachment limit is 40kb, so you may need to compress them.
If you do not like mailling lists, you can use gmane to access it like a newsgroup.
Also, the accepted way to send modifications to Lazarus is by sending patches. If you are using the subversion Lazarus, please try to create a patch. If not, just send the source and I will try to make a patch out of it.
But in the future, send patches.