I made a GUI application in Windows 7 and made an .exe file which is 21,175KB.
I copied all the files of the project to my MacBook OS X, opened Lazarus in the MacBook and made an .app file.
The .app file in my MacBook says it's 12 KB but when I try to send it to a friend via email it says it can't make it because it's more than 15 Mb in size.
I understand that may be because it included the complete libraries, etc.
Can you refer me again to how to make it a smaller size to email it, if possible?
Or, solve this problem:I had no problem sending the 21 Mb .exe file from my Windows 7 email.
When I copy the .app file to a flash card to transfer from Mac to PC it shows as a 12 KB file (folder with 4 files when I looked at it in Windows).
How do I get the whole 21 Mb copied to my flash card instead of only the 12 KB file?