Well, I think we need to modernize the language too.
I agree. That's with every language.
While some other language do:
we do:
This seems a bit too cumbersome, I agree.
While some other language do:
if 1=0
//some code
elsif 1=1
//some code
we do:
if 1=0 then
begin //WARNING: If use more than a sentence, you need BEGIN-END
//some code
end //DANGER: Don't put semicolon!!!!!
else if 1=1 then
begin //WARNING: the same before.
//some code
end //WHAT A FOOL, you forget the semicolon;
I don't agree with this criticism. I don't have any problem with the way Pascal does this. After all, begin-end blocks are a main feature of Pascal, and help to maintain a certain structural order.
While some other language do:
MsgBox "Mensaje", vbExclamation
we do:
uses ... Forms, LCLType;
Application.MessageBox('Mensaje','Título de ventana',
I agree. By the way, is there a way in Pascal to define an alias for a procedure, so that instead of Application.MessageBox I may arbitrarily set the alias proc1():=Application.MessageBox()? Some languages have that, and it is really useful with annoying long procedure names.