What I wanted to say in general is that lazarus/fpc are far beyond compatibility with Delphi (where it was reached).
Perhaps "compatibility", to prevent it being a constraint or ballast, could simply be a component of this project that is really fantastic.
If Delphi were to up and disappear next month, and FPC/Lazarus had spent their time focused on "New And Improved Pascal" and ignored Delphi compatibility, then the organizations with then-existing Delphi codebases would have as much incentive, if not more, to go with an entirely different language, rather than an incompatible flavor of Object Pascal (that FPC would be in the scenario you are proposing).
I mean, if you have to migrate to
something, why not migrate to something
heavily supported at either the commercial or opensource level?
That's what the vast majority of businesses would do in that scenario.
Forgoing Delphi compatibility altogether is not a viable strategy for the FPC/Lazarus community.