@Fred vS
you are highly welcome in uos-band, your commits will be extremely appreciated.
Thank You - I was always interested in going on with 'UOS'.
See my Posts in "United OpenLib of Sound (UOS)"
and my Thread "Some more UOS"
Sounds like you've already found Ultrastar code, but here it is again
That's exactly, what You get when downloading the "(Archive - zip)" from the UltraStar Deluxe Website, but this ZIP does NOT contain any SourceCode.

For the SourceCode, download "Source Code (All Platforms)".
You'll find working(!) LazarusProjects (only in DelphiMode, but this is o.k.), in:
"ultrastardx-1.1-src\src\dists\lazarus\", and the "readme.txt" tells You, how to use them.
For FFmpeg-Stuff (and others, like Portaudio), see the Units in: "...\src\src\media".
That's definitivly SourceCode - Thanks, a lot !
You made me busy (and happy) all over the Winter.

Australia - land of SLOW internet
Come to Canary Islands, and You'll be happy with Your Internet-Connection.

BTW: "I got no Internet at Home", meant: I DO not have any Internet at Home.
-> My Answers may last some Days (MPlayer is indeed responding quicker).
Umm. You sure about the very delayed bit? I found an initial delay...
That's the Point, but this Delay is not only "initial", it's intrinsic (Pipes, not DLL).
To check Stuff like that, I write Test-Apps, before starting "something big".
(Hi Fred, I did the same with Your 'UOS'.)

My Test-App for the MPlayer doesn't use any Packages or Components.
At that Time I derived it from the Delphi-VCL 'TMPlayer', porting it to FPC-Mode.
Apart from the Player itself with Load/Play/Pause-UnPause, Seek/SeekOnClick/SeekOnDrag, and some other
MPlayer-Stuff, like Setting A/V-Delay, Speed, etc. (here I stop, before You get bored),
it has a Form, I called 'MPlayer-Input/Output-Analyzer'.
There You can play around with the MPlayer, like:
- Send any Command with or without the Pausing/PausingKeep/PausingToggle-Prefixes
- Get-Set/Step any Property
(It's all easy, because it's all String-Input)
This Form then shows the Result of the entered String/StringCombination (-> works or ErrorString), and
the TIME, that has passed between PropertyRequest and PropertyResponse: Awful! - Yawn.
And I have another basic Problem with the MPlayer:
How to KEEP a paused Video really PAUSED, means:
Any 'SendCommand' lets a PAUSED Video PLAY again, even if using a Pausing/PausingKeep/PausingToggle-Prefix.
See my Thread: "How to keep the MPlayer really paused ?"
http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,17327.msg95335.html#msg95335-> Obviously up to today there is no Solution for this.
After that, I left the MPlayer, and wrote a Test-App for VLC, derived from 'PasLibVlc'.
-> I got two MainProblems with VLC:
- Can't use ASIO for AudioOutput (same Problem with MPlayer)
- Can't open a Stream at "00:00.000" PAUSED directly, means without working around with the TimeChanged-Event.
was decoding the string output and presenting the data in records or through events
O.k., but whatever you do, the Origin of the Output is still STRING.
E.g. to decode an AudioStream for Portaudio, this is too slow - I need the In-/Outputs as DIRECT as possible.
=> The only 2 Things I like on the MPlayer are: Easy to use and better Sound than VLC.