but either I missed the free headers, or they weren't available when I checked
Did You get them? I can't attach the ZIP-File for You, because it's a litte bigger than 250kb.
If You want, I split it for You.
What I didn't have is ffmpeg direct
That's the point. For this reason, I even didn't mention 'libvlc' resp. 'PasLibVlc'.
In the past I wrote some Test-Apps, e.g. for FMOD, MPlayer, VLC, just for checking out these Lib's.
They work fine, but I aim a Pascal-Solution, that is:
- OpenSource => NO FMOD (= closed)
- LicenseFree => NO FMOD (= free for personal use, but not for Redistribution)
- CrossPlatform => NO DirectShow, NO DirectSound (= Win only)
- direct => NO MPlayer (= Console, only communicating via Pipes)
- without Layers, I don't need => NO VCL
- depending on a minimum of other projects or DLLs - You never know, until they are "alive"
- Realtime, that afaik can not be really achieved with any Pascal-Code as long as
it's running in a C-Code-Environment (Tell me, if I'm wrong).
For these reasons, I currently use for Audio mpg123, libsndfile and Portaudio, inspired by 'UOS' by Fred vS.
Unfortunately mpg123 and libsndfile do not decode that much AudioFormats. Therefore, and of course for Video,
I want something, that works with any other present and future(!) Audio/Video-Codec.
up to now only FFmpeg fulfills these criterias, and finally FFmpeg is the mother of lots of
projects, like MPlayer/MEncoder, VLC, Acinerella, FFDec - see:
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Projectswhile apparently random ... Oh, and I don't have the time
Got the same problem - Therefore:
Do You know any working Pascal-Code for a Player and En-/Decoder with FFmpeg ?
Otherwise I'd have to write most of the Code on my own, as I did for the Test-Apps mentioned above.
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