What I'm looking for is the following file and all the other files related to ffmpeg in pascal
Those Files had been posted here in this Thread:
http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,22038.msg160145.html#msg160145-> See the Link under "Scandroid".
I've extracted the Files related to FFmpeg for You - see the Attachment:
Note:- '..\src\trunk\external\ffmpeg' are the FFmpeg-PascalWrapper, but they are totally obsolete.
- '..\src\trunk\gui\ffmpeg.pas' renders a VideoFile, but it has no Code for Sound, SubTitles, etc., and
the fps is left fix. Thus, this Code is totally useless, e.g. for a MediaPlayer.
I'm working on a fresh new ffmpeg binding for FPC (working in progress).
The most complete and up to date FFmpeg-PascalWrapper I know, are those from FFVCL:
http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,22038.msg159415.html#msg159415Those Wrapper are written in Delphi - unfortunately only for Windows and Mac.
Though they work fine with FPC/Lazarus in Delphi-Mode, of course it would be nice to have them ported to FPC. And, of course it would be even nicer, if somebody adds the Codelines for Linux.
BTW:What's Your Intention ? What do You need FFmpeg for ?