BTW I have noticed some needles string copying,
which should not occur in a high performance tool.
Can you point them out please?
Txt := copy(fLine, Run + 7, length(fLine));
Not the fastest possible too.
(AnsiStrComp(PChar(copy(Txt, i+1, 6)), PChar('rivate')) = 0) )
or ( (i+8 <= l) and
((i+8 = l) or (Txt[i+9] in [#1..#32])) and
(AnsiStrComp(PChar(copy(Txt, i+1,
), PChar('rotected')) = 0) )
Txt := copy(fLine, Run, length(fLine));
(AnsiStrComp(PChar(copy(Txt, i+1, 4)), PChar('fold')) = 0)