follow my "primitive "investigations in using freetype2 lib on android...
I - How to build a freetype ".so" for Android... on Windows.
I.1- You have to install e configure MinGW (32 bits) to cross compile "C" stuff to Android...
I.2- I got from
https://github.com/cdave1/freetype2-android the freetype "C" stuff... and build a Eclipse project with small changes in
"Android.mk" and "Application.mk" to produce a SHARED_LIBRARY...
:: My Eclipse Project to make "FreeType" is here:
http://jmpessoa.opendrive.com/files?Ml8zNzY0NTA2Ml8zcWZTRA ::After (un)rar:
-> open the project with Eclipse and "right click" -> Properties
-> Edit: Builder -> Freetype_builder .... to you paths....
-> Run!
-> Open \libs\armeabi and \libs\armeabi-v7a
Yes! "libfreetype.so" are there!
II. Using the new "libfreetype.so"
- Just create a project and put the "libfreetype.so" in
\libs\armeabi (or: \libs\armeabi-v7a) !
:: My Eclipse "Demo "Project is here:
http://jmpessoa.opendrive.com/files?Ml8zNzY0Njk5Ml9BbnQ4Yw Good luck!