
Author Topic: Lazarus Windows Installer: Testers for new multiple installations feature needed  (Read 24688 times)


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The Lazarus installer for Windows (only Version 1.1 / revision 42510 or up)  has now the ability to create secondary installations.
This allows to have different versions installed, which do not interfere with each other.

For this new feature we would like to find a few volunteers for further testing.

In order to participate as tester, please download a Lazarus-1.1 snapshot for windows (dated 2012-08-29 or later) and test it's installation.

**     Backup:
As this is still testing, you are advised to backup your existing config(s) and anything that you can not recover in any other way..

**    Testing
If you install the snapshot as secondary, then you can keep your current install as it is, even if it is older.

In the installer tick the checkbox "secondary installation" (when choosing the install directory), and follow the instructions. You will then be ask for a new empty folder, where the config will be stored (this can be a sub-folder in the install directory).

Updating an installation, using the installer, will detect if the selected directory contains a secondary install.

You may also try several install, and then uninstall some again. And if you do not need to keep an old installation, you may also test the normal installation (without choosing secondary).

When running the IDE, you can check if the correct the configuration is used via the menu "View" > "IDE Internals" > "About IDE" looking for primary-config-path

Please also visit and read this first.

Thank you all.


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I would like to test the new installer, but the files at seem to be outdated.
function GetRandomNumber: integer; //
  GetRandomNumber := 4; // chosen by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random.

Lazarus 3.7.0 | FPC 3.2.2 | PPC, Intel, ARM | macOS, Windows, Linux


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please download a Lazarus-1.1 snapshot for windows (dated 2012-08-29 or later)
Can you give the Url ?
Initiator of gestinux, open-source, multi-database and multilingual accounting and billing software made with LAZARUS.

You can help to develop, to make and improve translations, and to provide examples of legal charts and reports from more countries.


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Sorry, seems Snapshot are currently unavailable. I will revert on the topic, as soon as some download will be available.


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The Lazarus installer for Windows (only Version 1.1 / revision 42510 or up)

Is there a Version 1.1?
I believe the last was 1.0.12.
Lazarus 2.2.6 - FPC 3.2.2 - x86_64-win64 on Windows 10


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Is there a Version 1.1?
I believe the last was 1.0.12.

Last stable release was 1.0.12 sure.  Trunk copy (which is the where new development occurs) is pegged at 1.1 for Lazarus, and I believe 2.7.1 for fpc. The Daily Snapshots (when they're working) are from Trunk, and given that they're where the new untested code is, they are released on a "at your own risk" basis.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 05:48:38 pm by Mike.Cornflake »
Lazarus Trunk/FPC Trunk on Windows [7, 10]
  Have you tried searching this forum or the wiki?:
  BOOKS! (Free and otherwise):


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I used one from
(I had an old one 1.0.9). In general it works well. But I have some remarks.
When you check "secondary installation" you should pick some existing empty folder. If you choose non existing folder (write directory name directly into the edit box), you can continue (click [next]) but then it fail with error message "Internal error (1): Could not save CFG". It will be better, if setup program create non exixting dir autoamtically for you.


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When you check "secondary installation" you should pick some existing empty folder. If you choose non existing folder (write directory name directly into the edit box), you can continue (click [next]) but then it fail with error message "Internal error (1): Could not save CFG". It will be better, if setup program create non exixting dir autoamtically for you.

Ah, yes. Thanks.

I changed the order of execution. So you can still select a none existing folder, and it will now work.

revision 42520


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Works for me, thank you. Tested on Win7/64Bit

Best regards
Linux Mint / Windows 10 / Lazarus 3.6.0 / trunk


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Yes, Thank you. Now it works ok, also config dir is created ok. (tested Win7/32bit). Nice is also "Make new folder" button enabled in "Directory dialog picker"  :)


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Installed OK on my Win 7 - 32 bits.

But it confused me when asked for a "Configuration Folder". Maybe should have a default value.

Moreover, it replaced the access on my desktop (and Start Menu ) to my old Lazarus.

Lazarus 2.2.6 - FPC 3.2.2 - x86_64-win64 on Windows 10


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I have successfully tested the installer on Windows 2000 and Windows XP (32 bits). It worked well also on these older operating systems. Some text has to be localized, however. See the screenshot in the attachment for details.

After all, this new feature is very useful.
function GetRandomNumber: integer; //
  GetRandomNumber := 4; // chosen by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random.

Lazarus 3.7.0 | FPC 3.2.2 | PPC, Intel, ARM | macOS, Windows, Linux


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Installed OK on my Win 7 - 32 bits.
But it confused me when asked for a "Configuration Folder". Maybe should have a default value.
The problem with defaults is, that you need to detect al possible other installations, and where they store.

That is because a suggested folder should be in the users "AppData" directory (as specified by Windows / to be save for multi user).

If a user chooses himself, then they can store anywhere, including inside the program directory (if they know they are the only person using the install, after all Windows is a multi-user OS)

Not sure what best to do....

Moreover, it replaced the access on my desktop (and Start Menu ) to my old Lazarus.

A new Version will be up tomorrow (should be):
- Desktop link is disabled (when doing 2ndary)
- Menu is proposed as "Lazarus 2", it is (and was configurable). If you do multiple 2ndary then it still is a problem.

Yes well translations where contributed by various people. It will take a while for all of them to send in updates (if they do).


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New installer also worked well for me (Win 7 professional 64 bit), and successfully installed everything on a non-Windows drive (i. e. not the C: drive) as a secondary installation. Excellent!
The only glitch I found was when the installer appeared to die on first execution.
In fact it had not died, it was just that the relatively small initial window asking for the Lazarus language setting was hidden behind several other desktop windows, and did not come to the front.
Not sure if this is an actual problem with the installer, or just a general Windows failing (it's not the first time I've 'lost' modal windows that should have been at the top of the Z order, but failed to appear until I closed all other windows, or - as a last resort, suspecting there was a window which was just hidden - used Task Manager to locate the process and focus the window).


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