NEW Version V3.4 of RPI_HAL is available:
Additional support for RPI2B and Pi Zero
If you use Lazarus, then modify the Lazarus IDE compiler options:
Project -> Project Options ... -> Compiler Options -> Other and add: -dUseCThreads
Download location:
- I2C
- GPIO (input, output, SW-PWM, HW-PWM)
- Bitbang functions for Powerswitches (ELRO, Intertechno, Sartano, Nexa)
- Morse functions
- Rotational Encoders implemented with Threads (e.g. Keyes KY-040 Rotary Encoder)
- Servo functions
- PID Algorithmus
- functions to access PiFace Board
- Bidirectional serial device access in User space /dev/yourdevice
- USB Reset and Access