Sorry Sekel, I was just trying to be careful about what is supported
Just looked through FAQs and some docs and didn't know something was in work.
Palm was my idea regarding 68k as well (and that sentence was just a general, off-topic sigh, not a complaint), but honestly, while I still know some 68k assembler, and even have an old Apple Mac Color Classic and LC III (great 68k machines
, my knowledge is too limited for that level of work.
Well... if compiling for ARM works, I would love to see something for Symbian... the two compilers normally used (Metroworks now bought by Nokia, and that old Borland stuff) are both really bad to use. I know how to use the Symbian API, and I know how to write in C++, but it's just not the same as Pascal
Guess I need to play around a bit with cross-compiling for ARM as well