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Help!I dont get it!Cross compile linux to win32.......

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I download fpc crosswin and i don't know what I have to do with that...
I try read about cross compile on lazarus wiki and I'm still don't understand.
Please tell me how to compile my program from linux to win32 so i can run in my Windows XP
i'm using fpc 2.0.2 and lazarus 0.9.12, and fpccrosswin on Suse 93


install lazarus, install fpccrosswin, and when you have them installed, open Lazarus and:
go to the Project -> Compiler Options menu and
  in Paths -> Target Widgetset choose Win32
  in Code -> Target Os chose Win32
  in Linking select Win32 GUI application

after that, go to Tools -> Configure Build Lazarus menu and
  set LCL Interface to Win32
  mark only Build LCL as Build + Clean, mark everything else as None

after that go to Tools -> Rebuild Lazarus and rebuild it (actually you will only rebuild the LCL - the only thing you need for cross-compiling)

When the cross-compiling of LCL is done, you can now cross-compile your project. Remember to *always* set the following before cross-compilation:
in the Project -> Compiler Options menu:
  in Paths -> Target Widgetset set to Win32
  in Code -> Target Os set to Win32
  in Linking select Win32 GUI application

and compile your project. you should get a perfectly working Windows exe.


I think  I do exactly like you explain..but i guess i mess up somewhere(maybe i forget something) i get this message:
if run Lazarus from menu and build lazarus with  win32 LCL i have message ( i'm not sure iwill check again..):

make[2]: *** [../../units/i386-linux/win32] Error 1

then i go to virtual console try to run lazarus as root
build lazarus  with win32 lcl (like u r instruction)
Then i got message
"Clean Lazarus Source" completed
/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32/win32int.pp(1,1) Fatal: Can't find unit Windows

I have build LCL and  I have message

/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32/win32proc.pp(865,2) Note: User defined: Should be moved to WSWin32Forms, if the windowproc is splitted
/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32/win32proc.pp(949,2) Note: User defined: Belongs in Win32WSForms, but is needed in windowproc
/usr/lib/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32/,4) Warning: User defined: TWin32WidgetSet.FrameRect TODO: optimize ARect copying
"Build LCL" completed

I can crosscompile to win32 ( it  work find when i try iy on winxp) but the lazarus crash after succesfulcros compile

strange, I have no problems on Lazarus 0.9.10... have to try the 0.9.12. maybe you could run Lazarus from the console window and paste the output here?



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