Forum > Android-JVM

Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere

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I'm testing the Android programming with the compiler fpcjvm. I also tried pascal4android, I love his compilation with one click.
But if I use the resources of the system unit or I define a TObject, the Android app crashes because can not find the corresponding classes. I have to manually copy them into the bin\classes. Is there a way to incorporate the necessary classes in dex file?


--- Quote from: acquario73 on December 29, 2012, 01:36:49 pm ---Hello.
I'm testing the Android programming with the compiler fpcjvm. I also tried pascal4android, I love his compilation with one click.
But if I use the resources of the system unit or I define a TObject, the Android app crashes because can not find the corresponding classes. I have to manually copy them into the bin\classes. Is there a way to incorporate the necessary classes in dex file?

--- End quote ---

Are you chinese? Or how to know what functionhave the buttons and menu? Please! Traslate ths to english!

No... I'm italian... :)
It starts in chinese, but you can find where switch language...


--- Quote from: acquario73 on December 29, 2012, 04:04:57 pm ---No... I'm italian... :)
It starts in chinese, but you can find where switch language...

--- End quote ---


I dont search it, as the installation ask for language and i select english...

Will try now thanks!

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