
Author Topic: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere  (Read 35464 times)


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2013, 02:43:43 pm »

I don't understand why to make a new "IDE" for that?
It would be better if you put your effort into a Lazarus Plug-In?

Yes, you are right.At first , I  think about do a Lazarus package,but I don't  know how can do that , maybe you can help me or recommend some detailed information to me ? Thank you!

By the way, I only hope Pascal4Android can help develop android application is easy, so I developed it.

sorry for my bad english!
laz4android : a Lazarus for Android Package.


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2013, 07:52:32 pm »
Hi TrueTom,

first I must say that your pascal4android was the only one that just worked.
I tried the last 7 day's to build my first app on android with lazarus.

I came across the following 5 roads and tried all of them:

A) CodeTyphon. Did not work. Had troubles to build the apk.

B) This pre configured opensuse image:,18638.msg105408.html#msg105408
I think it's the best idea so far but I did not get it running because the instruction steps seems not to be correct.

C) This pre configured mageia image:
It's 1.8GB fat (contains stuff like libreoffice ). Unzip gives always troubles about invalid checksum.
Finally I got it working, but it's outdated. Lazarus 0.9.31.
Edit: 13.Jan.2013: Updated image to Mageia 2. This took about 2hours. After reboot, lazarus does not work anymore.

D) Pascal4Android. Building a apk and running it just worked! Congratulation. But no GUI-Designer and not open-source.

C) I tried the eclipse android bundle. Uha. Not a real option.

Sorry I can not help you much.
I think it would be nice to have something like ApkManager
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 01:28:22 pm by DelphiFreak »
Linux Mint 20.3, Lazarus 2.3, Windows 10, Delphi 10.3 Rio, Delphi 11.1 Alexandria


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2013, 12:23:15 pm »
Respect! Works on the first attempt!

Looks a lot like Basic4Android, but then ahead of it allready in the 1.0 release :-)

I wonder what the license is, the costs and how about support of 3rd party units, components and objects.
But start writing English, that will increase the result of the project/product enormously.


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2013, 03:19:55 pm »
It is interesting that this is the only solution for android from the lazarus community that works out of the box. The 300 million android devices out there  growing at 800,000 per month are taking the edge off the statement that lazarus is very portable. Android platforms may well become the majority of devices in which case lazarus's portablity will only apply to a minority of delivered devices. The good news is lazarus almost ports to android so it still has legs under it;  but it is a long way from the ease of just cross compiling a widows i386 lazarus app to a windows mobile device. Android has a finite number of controls ( buttons menus etc) a lazarus component with these templated controls would better leverage the lazarus ide environment.


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2013, 07:26:04 pm »
It is interesting that this is the only solution for android from the lazarus community that works out of the box
It uses FPC JVM, not FPC for ARM whose result is wrapped in a Java class (the one that Lazarus uses). If you ever try FPC JVM, it works out of the box and you have access to the full Android API.

Lazarus way for Android can't be made the same as desktop, since Android has different architecture, REALLY different, from the desktop. It's not just about another LCL backend, and what LCL has now via custom drawn, is already good. This also explains why FPC JVM works out of the box, because it escapes from the traditional system. You don't even have full System unit functionality, almost everything must be done using Java/Android API.


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2013, 04:05:54 pm »
When I run the example code provided by Pascal4Android, the unsigned APK is created regularly but the virtual machine is not launched. I get the error message, "AVD or android devices not found! please choose the menu:Tools-Run AVD Manager or insert an android device."

If I click on the "Run AVD Manager" from the Tools menu, it runs without any problems but, obviously, it does not show the app I have just compiled.

Am I missing something?
Apple loves breaking backward compatibility to make money. If you want to be sure that your apps will never stop working, use Windows and trash macOS!


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2013, 11:48:37 am »
When I run the example code provided by Pascal4Android, the unsigned APK is created regularly but the virtual machine is not launched. I get the error message, "AVD or android devices not found! please choose the menu:Tools-Run AVD Manager or insert an android device."

If I click on the "Run AVD Manager" from the Tools menu, it runs without any problems but, obviously, it does not show the app I have just compiled.

Am I missing something?

If the Android Virtual Device is running? or real android device is insert to the computer?
laz4android : a Lazarus for Android Package.


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2013, 04:21:37 pm »
It is interesting that this is the only solution for android from the lazarus community that works out of the box.
The 300 million android devices out there  growing at 800,000 per month are taking the edge off the statement that lazarus is very portable. Android platforms may well become the majority of devices

While it is true that there are many Android devices, that doesn't mean the number of developers is proportional. It even less so means that the reasons why e.g. a PC programming community is split up over multiple languages also apply to Android.

It seem that the Android market for the most are fairly small apps, and short time to market is everything. IOW I think that Android users are simply using whatever tools they can get their hand on to ship it. What language it exactly is matters less. (since there is no need for compatibility with large existing codebases, like with a new non-mobile port).

That makes the number of people (and the time they can invest) in such endeavors low.



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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2013, 07:44:19 am »
When I run the example code provided by Pascal4Android, the unsigned APK is created regularly but the virtual machine is not launched. I get the error message, "AVD or android devices not found! please choose the menu:Tools-Run AVD Manager or insert an android device."

If I click on the "Run AVD Manager" from the Tools menu, it runs without any problems but, obviously, it does not show the app I have just compiled.

Am I missing something?

If the Android Virtual Device is running? or real android device is insert to the computer?


Thanks for your reply.

I'm using the Android Virtual Device. My tablet is not connected to the PC.

Obviously, Eclipse is installed correctly and AVD works perfectly fine when I test my code under Eclipse.

I have entered all the necessary folder paths in Pascal4Android but, in spite of this, I get the error message I described in my previous post.
Apple loves breaking backward compatibility to make money. If you want to be sure that your apps will never stop working, use Windows and trash macOS!


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2013, 01:00:26 pm »


Thanks for your reply.

I'm using the Android Virtual Device. My tablet is not connected to the PC.

Obviously, Eclipse is installed correctly and AVD works perfectly fine when I test my code under Eclipse.

I have entered all the necessary folder paths in Pascal4Android but, in spite of this, I get the error message I described in my previous post.

Thanks for you test Pascal4Android.I'm sorry for this error message.I don't know what's happened.

Please provide the following information to me,thank you:
Which one android virtual device platform do you used(2.2? 2.3 ? 3.0 ? 4.0) ?
Which one Windows version do you used(win xp ? win vista ? win7 or win8?)?
Which one JDK version?(1.6 or 1.7)

thanks! I will test it !

you also can email to me,my email is .
sorry for my bad english.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 01:03:50 pm by truetom »
laz4android : a Lazarus for Android Package.


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2015, 04:53:35 pm »
what about GNU/Linux version? Shell we wait?

Or may be if you release a source, someone can help you, for example on github.


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Re: Pascal4Android IDE V0.1.0 beta world premiere
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2023, 08:58:57 pm »
Dear MR Xue Hua,
Thank you very much for your very probably first wolrd related programmers attempt to create Android applications by using PPCJVM, Android JVM target.
Approach which you have introduced allow developers to create very small applications. Dex files are less than 180 KB in syze.
Your building approach support apps with The multiple activity.
It is sad, that you had no strenght to go through very complex development journey.
Adding GUI elements creation support in to your IDE.
But I understand it. Android APIS are developing so rapidly and so fast. Before you would finish with implementing Android 14, GOogle has introduced new Android API release. And every Android APi release can support in theory new GUi elements.
Who has generated Android R14.INC and other Android RTL header files?
Was it you dear MR Xue Hua?
Today, PPCJVm Android JVM target community very probably need someone, who would have enough programmers skils to generate new Android RTL headers based on newest Android APIS.

It is not very easy task.
And very probably, fully automated solution is may be for The professors on university, who has passed informatic sciences studyes.

Now as for Me, as a visually impaired developer, there are currently two usable packages.
Pandroid, and Lamw.
Pandroid support many preconfigured GUI elements and developer is not being forced to read Google documentation about GUI element and there is no need to use Android API calls directly.
More over, lamw support to machine code compilation. And Lamw developers have done very complex developers task to implement JNI communication between .so library and Java components.
I will experiment safely with your old IDE by adding The newest Android.jar APi target version 33 and I will be also using newer Android APi functions header not 13, but 25 and I will try to even use The newest 29 version which have been generated by MR Swianovicz Zeljuko. By The author of Pandroid.

But I Am deeply appreciating your previous hard programmers work and your Pascal knowledge have to be very deep.


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