@ Dibo : Whaow, Typhon is marvelous
And, thank to you and your "How to install Linux 32 bit cross-compil on a 64 bit Linux system"
(explanation very clear but lot of work, it should be a good idea to make a script to create the links to the lib missing, but, ok, it is done and it works
Now, perfect, Lazarus with CodeTyphon is just like i wanted : a real cross-platform compiler. (and in Pascal, s'il vous plait, the best programing language for ever)
I have compiled without problems, from Lazarus Linux 64 bits :
- A exe Win 32
- A exe Win 64
- A exec Linux 32
- And, of course, a exec Linux 64
- Android not tested yet
And i do not loose my "old" version of Lazarus 1 RC2, it is still working (only change the path of fpc)
Cross-compil for OSX is missing, that is the only sad thing