Forum > KOL
is kolce support lazarus 1.1
Hello ,
I am trying to compile with 1.6 lazarus and fpc 3.0.0 but I couldn't success anyway.
There is a asm message :
jmp @@e_signature
DB '#$signature$#', 0
DB 'SaveIcon', 0
Message is : "mckObjs.pas(979,5) Error: Unrecognized opcode jmp"
Also I tried to change other some messages like PChar to PWideChar.
I think this asm working as callback function (or error back function) is it nessary?
How can I pass this problem?
Best Regards
--- Quote from: yury_sidorov on January 20, 2017, 06:48:19 pm ---Good news to all KOL fans. I've fixed KOL-CE to work with Lazarus 1.6.
Get the latest trunk sources at SF:
You can develop win32 apps using KOL-CE.
--- End quote ---
Have you tried the svn version (not the old release zip version)?
Jurassic Pork:
the last svn version from yury is the 359 and you can download it here (download snapshot).
in Attachments a simple Kol Application project with a TKolButton and a TKolMemo. Size of the Exec : 48 kb
Lazarus 1.6.0 32 bits windows 7.
Friendly, J.P
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