may be i have a solution to the bug Can\'t create events - ID: 3565830
debugging Lazarus IDE i have seen the difference between version 0.9.28 ( events OK)
and 1.0.6
in 0.9.28 : the eventcodetool of Lazarus IDE (components/codetools) see the TFORM1
as a class and in 1.0.6 as an object.
when it is an object the codetool fails to retrieve the methods.
so the wrong line in main unit which is something like :
TForm1 = {$IFDEF KOLCLASSES}class{$ELSE}object{$ENDIF}({$IFDEF
i don\'t Know in which case KOLCLASSES is used because in KOL-CE it is never
Then the trick is to put TFORM1 as a class while editing and Object while compiling.
with the {$IFDEF LAZIDE_MCK} you are in editing mode.
Replace the line 12440 of Mirror.pas with :
' T' + FormName + ' = {$IFDEF LAZIDE_MCK}class (TForm){$ELSE}object (TObj){$ENDIF}';
recompile mirror and the lazarus IDE.
with this it is OK for me with Lazarus 1.0.6
i can use the double click with events editing
tell me if it is also ok for you.
Sorry for my poor english but it isn't my natural language
friendly J.P