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Lazarus1.0 Errors (commctrl.pp)
Lazarus 1.0
New Application\WinCE\arm
Hint: Start of reading config file C:\Apps\lazarus\fpc\2.6.0\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file C:\Apps\lazarus\fpc\2.6.0\bin\i386-win32\fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.0 [2012/08/28] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2011 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: WinCE for ARM
Compiling lcl.pas
Compiling .\win32\alllclintfunits.pas
Compiling .\win32\win32wsdialogs.pp
Compiling .\win32\shlobj.pp
Compiling .\win32\commctrl.pp
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(5831,1) Error: Forward type not resolved "TREEITEM"
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(6236,44) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(6256,44) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(6273,46) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(6403,53) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(7569,44) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(7587,44) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(8891,45) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(8961,48) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(9234,49) Error: Error in type definition
...\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\commctrl.pp(9469,1) Fatal: Syntax error, "identifier" expected but "CONST" found
What's wrong?
Vincent Snijders:
If your target system is arm-wince, don't use the win32 widget set, but the wince widgetset.
> If your target system is arm-wince, don't use the win32 widget set, but the wince widgetset.
Sure, but How can I say it to Lazarus IDE?
open the menu project\project options, select the build mode tree and there set your lclwidgetset options. See attached photo.
OK with a new project
With my old project (Lazarus 9.30.x OK) –
"Fatal: Can not find system used by MyProject_wince_arm, ppu=... \lazarus\fpc\2.6.0\units\arm-wince\rtl\system.ppu"
Manually added all paths
"MyLib_m.pas(21) Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1"
MyLib_m.pas(20) == end.
What's the problem?
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