Zoran, you're right. However, see the next 2 tweets:
LazarusDev: Release candidate 2 of Lazarus is available for download from http://t.co/nwo89AIX. More info at http://t.co/bYQdecIr
LazarusDev: Week 43: Number of open issues for the next releases after #Lazarus target 0.99: 46 (-15); target 1.0: 209 (-4). Good progress.
So: release candidates were mentioned anyway... and we've got a very ambiguous message about "week 43" (which year? => 2011 at the latest)...
Some updates are surely in order.
I'd at least expect some announcement like:
LazarusDev: Release candidate 1 of Lazarus 1.0 is available for download. Please help work on 1.0 by testing and reporting bugs.
Alternatively, if nobody is interested in tweeting these updates (which would seem to be the case), removing the entire functionality may be a better option so people don't get confused about the project status.