just one thing , in the source editor the 'REGION' should be collapsed by default , just imagine 10000 line of code that uses alot of regions , its prefered to see all the region collapsed when open it . just like delphi
There also is
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=13974 but it is not planed for 1.0 (it has no target yet)
However, other things you can do (you may have to assign the shortcuts in the keymapping options first. Not sure what the defaults are.)
- using keymap to fold all 1st level, or all 2nd level PASCAL folds.
unfortunately that does not work for region or ifdef.
- using on editor macro, to go through the code and fold all regions (only, if there are no other folds on the line of the region)
record macro
ctrl-e incremental search {%region
use keyboard to ford node at current line
press end (end of line / to get behind the current region keyword)
end record macro
keep playing the macro