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How to read data from a USB device in Windows32
I am writing an application which communicates with 2 external devices: a KKSystems USB-485 converter to connect to a Eurotherm controller and a Prologix GPIB-USB converter to connect to a Fluke multimeter.
Both converters contain the same FTDI ic, so I can't identify which converter is attached to which COM port.
I have downloaded Microsoft's USBVIEW utility which shows me that one device is:-:
iProduct: 0x02
0x0409: "Prologix GPIB-USB Controller"
and the other is:-
iProduct: 0x02
0x0409: "USB Serial Converter"
I have looked at libusb, but this appears to be for Linux systems only.
USB.PAS is written by Apple, so I assume the same applies.
Is there a Windows library for accessing USB data?
Can anyone provide an example?
--- Quote ---I have looked at libusb, but this appears to be for Linux systems only.
--- End quote ---
No, it's cross platform.
mas steindorff:
For windows, the registry is the key is your problem. Each comm port will give you a name that you can follow to your USB device. Use regedit to track the strings you gave above.
Try the SynaSer package from synapse
i think it support USB ports and it's cross platform
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