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VTV / VirtualStringTree & fpc 2.6.1 problems?


Lazarus has decided it no longer wants to compile the virtualstringtree package.  I'm getting the following error messages:

--- Code: ---C:\Laz\34510\components\VirtualTreeView\VirtualTrees.pas(1024,20) Error: No matching implementation for interface method "IDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(LongBool,LongWord):LongInt; StdCall;" found

C:\Laz\34510\components\VirtualTreeView\VirtualTrees.pas(1024,20) Error: No matching implementation for interface method "IDropSource.GiveFeedback(LongWord):LongInt; StdCall;" found
--- End code ---

The debugger points to line 1024 in VirtualTrees.pas
  TVTDragManager = class(TInterfacedObject, IVTDragManager, IDropSource, IDropTarget)

I've set up a completely new instance of Laz & FPC (using fpcup - thanks BigChimp !) and I'm still having the same issue.

It quit working when I installed
on top of my prior version, which was Laz-1.1-36568-2.6.1, win32-Vista.

I did not change the VTV version.  Once I installed the new version of Laz, I just did a Build-all and that is when the errors showed up.

I would rather not revert Laz if at all possible.

Any hints or thoughts? 

FPC rev. 21249

--- Code: ---function QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL;grfKeyState: DWORD):HResult;StdCall;
function GiveFeedback(dwEffect: DWORD): HResult;StdCall;
--- End code ---

change longword to DWORD

Thank you!
That worked and I can get back to developing.
I'll produce a diff and attach it to the bug I opened.


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