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Lazreport printing error under OSX


Hi! I have created a report, with two TFrDbDataset and two TSQLQuery.

--- Code: ---frReport1.PrepareReport;

--- End code ---

Everything works fine, the report displays the data which comes from the SQLite database.
The problem comes when I want to print from this preview. The dialog appears, where I can change printer, etc. Then sometimes it prints the page, sometimes it throws an error External: EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
I don't know where to look for the problem.

It would be fine to export the report to PDF, but it can't display Hungarian ő and ű characters, it displays a question mark instead. Any ideas?

I have Lazarus, FPC 2.6.0, OSX 10.7.4.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks for a clear problem description ;)

--- Quote from: rlaci3 on June 14, 2012, 09:22:17 am ---
I don't know where to look for the problem.

It would be fine to export the report to PDF, but it can't display Hungarian ő and ű characters, it displays a question mark instead. Any ideas?

--- End quote ---
You might want to search through the forum on things like utf8 or unicode and Lazreport. I remember reports about this before.

You can also search the bug tracker..

(Note: haven't used Lazreport myself, so unfortunately I don't know the answer)


--- Quote ---It would be fine to export the report to PDF, but it can't display Hungarian ő and ű characters, it displays a question mark instead. Any ideas?
--- End quote ---

It is my problem, too. And problem for others.,17105.msg93876.html#msg93876,16914.0.html

Have a look through the bug tracker (link on the left). Edit: Perhaps a bug has already been raised for this, such as

If there's no bug for your problems yet, you could submit one. Please include your operating system, Lazarus version etc and a small sample program that shows the problem would be ideal. (The project you should file it under is project: "Lazarus Packages", Category "LazReport").

Note: I haven't worked with Lazreport; you might want to go through any samples, wiki pages (e.g. and documentation to make sure you don't need to e.g. translate between character sets when using it.

This way, the developers will see the problem and will be able to keep track of it and fix it.

Good luck.


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