i have installed the sources but i have a problem to comile the project.
It look's that the installation goes wrong.
This is the Output from the console:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3930]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
d:\Data\Lazarus\Projekte_LazV2\zcad>D:\Programme\LazarusV2\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\make cleanzcadelectrotech LP=D:\Programme\LazarusV2 PCP=D:\Programme\LazarusV2
process_begin: CreateProcess((null), git describe --tags, ...) failed.
rm -rf cad_source/autogenerated/*
rm -rf cad_source/autogenerated
rm -rf cad/*
rm -rf cad
rm -rf lib/*
rm -rf errors/*.bak
rm -rf errors/*.dbpas
mkdir cad
mkdir cad_source\\autogenerated
cp -r environment/runtimefiles/common/* cad
cp -r environment/runtimefiles/zcadelectrotech/* cad
cp: environment/runtimefiles/zcadelectrotech/preload/xlsxtemplates/devinxlsx/???????.xlsx: No such file or directory
D:\Programme\LazarusV2\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\make: *** [zcadelectrotechenv] Error 1
When i try to compile it in the IDE ksome include files are not found.
{$INCLUDE buildmode.inc}
//if missing see
https://github.com/zamtmn/zcad/blob/master/BUILD_FROM_SOURCES.mdIn that document i can not find a solution.
Have you any idea?
Thank you and BR