
Author Topic: Anyone using IME? (windows only) Japanese, Chinese, ....  (Read 4364 times)


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Anyone using IME? (windows only) Japanese, Chinese, ....
« on: March 13, 2012, 02:07:45 pm »
I already put that on the mailinglist, but to reach out to more people....

I need testers:

There are now 2 supported ways to use IME (on windows, in SynEdit)

revision 35901 --  0.9.31 only / 0.9.30.x does/will not have it

1) The default
IME composition is displayed by SynEdit.
The surrounding text is correctly displayed.

Compile result of the following line in synedit.pp the
    {$DEFINE WinIMEFull}
Synedit the use of systems IME editor while, but ensure its correct location.

1 may not yet support all features, as synedit needs to implement handling all of them.
I also found, that with 1 there is no way to move the caretby mouse.  Even libr withe office does not seem to allow it. But if anyone knows what, let me know.


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