I am trying to implement Aero Glass effect using the technique described here:
http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Aero_GlassBut it just doesn't work for me. The resulting form has black background, and the labels on it have magenta contours.
I've tried this on several other projects but it is still the same. I suspect the problem will be with setting the transparency of the form using SetLayeredWindowAttributes. When I set the form color to black and do not change the window style to Layered, I can see the aero glass effect, but all black texts are transparent as well.
I'm quite new in Lazarus, so it may be easy, but, please, can somebody help me?
I've attached very simple project, taken from Lazarus examples (childsizinglayout). I used exactly the code from the wiki (link is above).
Thank you.