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Networking with lazarus fpc on macosx

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Can you help me please?

I am with lazarus and fpc on Macosx.

I have to allow my application server to send txt files to my client server. They are both on the same network. I guess I have to use ftp protocol for that.

I tried to install synaps, indy and lnet. But has no one use components I have no clue how to do net working taks with them :(. Tried to search but have not found something clear.

Anyone can sugest me what and how to use :) ?

Thanks !!


I've used Indy tcp core to send text and binary files beetween server-client application.

It's easy to do. Make the connection: Host and Port basicly. Server side: onExecute AContext.Connection.IOHandler.Write or Read. Client side: IdTCPClient.IOHandler.Write or Read.

It's easy but i'm having problems to make the Indy work now that a put the svn version of lazarus, the projects that contains Indy components stoped to compile. The message is: Can't find the unit x of indy. Some problem with the path. The strange is that the package compile and is installed in the ide. Is very like some path to update in the FPC.

To transfer text or binary files the tip is to send first the size of the file and on the read procedure specify that.


I havent tried Indy recently so not sure if it works for Mac OS or not but pretty sure that you can use ftp synapse for mac. Also lNet doesnt support Mac platform yet. It will be supported version 0.7
For the synapse examples google it as "ararat synapse"

Though I haven't tried it on OSX, synapse was easy to install (just copy some files) and use, I never tried Indy...

It never hurts to look at the wiki, either... there's an SSH client example though, not an FTP example:


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