Thank You for the good and fast answers!
1) It probably could be implemented by automatically generating test project in temporary directory that uses the test case unit and running it.
3) I don't understand this one... units aren't meant to be run, programs are.
Yes, maybe I wrote a bit unclear.
I suggest an ability to have unit-tests in the same project with tested units. Unit test is not a program, it's a unit. So I mean running such a unit with unit test, without running the whole program.
Generally, but not necessary, I want an ability to have several programs in the project, not only running unit tests possibility.
For example, let's assume that there are following units in the project:
CarSelling.pas - program to sell cars, which uses SaveDataToDatabase.pas unit to save some data to database
BycicleSelling.pas - program to sell bicycles, which also uses SaveDataToDatabase.pas unit to save some data to database
SaveDataToDatabase.pas - unit providing database functionality
TestAutoSelling.pas - unit with test case for testing CarSelling.pas program
TestBicycleSelling.pas - unit with test case for testing BicycleSelling.pas program
TestDatabaseSave - unit with test case for testing SaveDataToDatabase.pas unit
So, can I compile and run CarSelling, BicycleSelling (as separate programs) and all 3 unit tests (to be run as unit tests, not as programs) from 1 project? As I undestood - currently it's not possible.
Currently, for unit tests a separate project should be created, as I have understood, which is uncomfortable, IMHO. On the other hand, I don't see any IDE/compiler limitations to implement/automate this and make unit tests available without creation of an extra, separate project for unit tests only. Moreover, as I mentioned in the other thread, I think that tests are very important and providing a comfortable clear and well-structured enviroment for unit tests can significantly increase competitiveness and attractiveness of Lazarus.
2) It's already possible via project templates package possibly combined with build modes.
Can I ask then how exactly can I get Maven-like project structure for my project? With different property files for tests and main program?
I also meant there that it would be cool if all new projects will already have some basic structure by default (when starting a new project), and not all-files-in-one-folder.
We have a dedicated page for wish list
Thanks, I will then describe all my ideas more precisely within next days there, also using Eclypse screenshots.