Your easiest path would be to connect some old Nokia phone via data cable to RS232 or via RS232<=>USB cable and send AT commands to the phone. It's very simple, and you can read about it here: hardware is connected properly, you can make a working SMS demo in an hour....
var gsm:TBlockSerial; GSMaddress : String;... GSMaddress := <<the phone number to send sms>>; gsm:=tblockserial.Create; gsm.config(460800,8,'N',1,false,true); <-- Config modem values Try gsm.Connect(Edit1.Text); <-- COM Port gsm.ATCommand('AT+CMGF=1'); <-- Text Mode gsm.SendString('AT+CMGS="' + GSMaddress + '"'+ #$0D); sleep(100); gsm.SendString(Memo2.Text + #$1A); <-- Send SMS memo1.lines.Add('SMS sended!'); sleep(100); gsm.CloseSocket; gsm.Free; except on E : Exception do begin; memo1.lines.Add(UTF8Encode(E.Message)); end; end;
gsm:=tblockserial.Create; gsm.config(460800,8,'N',1,false,true); gsm.Connect(Edit1.Text); <-- COM Port gsm.ATCommand('AT+CMGF=0'); <-- PDU format gsm.ATCommand('AT+CMGS=25'); sleep(100); gsm.SendString('0821134901001014F011000C9124543130857300000B0CC57362D56C2E53072BF50D' + #$1A); sleep(100); gsm.CloseSocket;
...there are two ways for send a SMS; PDU and Text Mode, Text Mode is easy implement with AT commands...