When I add a USES clause in the code, the example no longer runs on the emulator.
For example, I added only in the USES Unit DBF (wanted to do a test with DBF files).
Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
LCLProc, Arrow, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, LCLType, LCLIntf, InterfaceBase, DBF;
When I run the example on the emulator, nothing appears. logcat appears in:
I / lclapp (273): Trying to load liblclapp.so
D / dalvikvm (273): Trying to load lib / data / data / com.pascal.lcltest / lib / liblclap
p.so 0x44ede248
I / lclapp (273): [FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
I / lclapp (273): = Sender Exception
I / lclapp (273): Exception = Unknown Run-Time error: 202
I / lclapp (273): Stack trace:
I / lclapp (273): $ 810E6B84
I / lclapp (273): Unknown TApplication.HandleException Run-Time error: 202
I / lclapp (273): Stack trace:
I / lclapp (273): $ 810E6B84
D / Zygote (33): Process 273 exited cleanly (217)
If I remove the unit's USES DBF and compile the example runs normally.