Could I use small text images, on the button, or as label for example. I only need about 10 basic controls (Label, Button, TextEdit, Memo, Listbox, checkbox, trackbar, progressbar, panel, image) and something I can paint on.
I implemented today basic support for TBitmap and TCanvas.Draw(X, Y, TBitmap), so yes, you can use images for text.
TTrackBar and TProgressBar already worked before and TButton and TCheckBox work except for the text.
TEdit/TMemo is very far because the require a lot of features, in fact they so far that I am considering if I should put temporarely a native TEdit and TMemo for use in Android. Probably I'll try this temporary work around.
TLabel and TListBox require text support and TCDListBox isn't yet finished too.
Do you need text in TPanel? If no, then it should be easy to implement.
TImage maybe even already works, I'm not sure. It would be good if you can test.