
Author Topic: Stored Procedures  (Read 4506 times)


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Stored Procedures
« on: November 07, 2005, 03:47:48 pm »

Anybody have a simple (lazarus and firebird) tutorial about stored procedures? How can i execute a stored proc? how can i add the input and output parameters?

Thank you very much!


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RE: Stored Procedures
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2005, 04:08:57 pm »
Hi there !

I've encountered the same problem You did and I've solved it in the next way: I've downloaded ZeosLib database access library from, it has a package for Lazarus and
downloaded PostgreSQL database server from PostgreSQL is a free database
server and it has precompiled binaries for Windows and Linux and also You can download the source too.
Under PostgreSQL if You want to execute a stored procedure just simply open a ZQuery object with
following statement: "select StoredPorcedureName(Input1, Input2,...)". After opening You will get a
table having in the fields the output parameters of your stored procedure :)
Simple :)

Have fun !



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