ah ah ah! sorry! These 2 errors as the follows:
ndkopengltest.pas(37,11) Note: Local variable "dummy" not used
ndkopengltest.pas(204,19) Hint: Local variable "engine" does not seem to be initialized
ndkopengltest.pas(194,11) Hint: Local proc "android_main" is not used
/home/hotcyy/lazarus/fpc/binutils/ld: warning: /home/hotcyy/lazarus-ccr/bindings/android-ndk/examples/opengltest/android/libs/armeabi/link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
/home/hotcyy/lazarus/fpc/binutils/ld: cannot find -lGLESv1_CM
ndkopengltest.pas(36,1) Error: Error while linking
ndkopengltest.pas(36,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping