
Author Topic: Accessibility in Windows widget set  (Read 6215 times)


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Accessibility in Windows widget set
« on: July 27, 2011, 08:28:10 am »
Hello everyone,

I have run a program that retrieves accessibility-related information over a running Lazarus application to see how far accessibility is supported. Well, it seems that even the basic accessibility info is not available, at least not via MSAA (Microsoft Active Accessibility). For example, the role of a control seems to be always “window”, whereas it should be “pushbutton” for a button, for example. This makes any accessibility verification for a Lazarus application fail in the first minutes.  :'(

Are there any plans to provide accessibility features for the Windows widget set? For GTK2 I have seen in the wiki that the widget set cooperates with the accessibility functions of the OS. But for Windows, this does not seem to be the case.

The thing is that for example in the US, as an employer you are required by law to only use applications in your company that are fully accessible. Otherwise people with disabilities would be prevented from working at your company, which would be discriminatory. So, accessibility is not just nice to have, it’s a prerequisite to adoption of Lazarus in the commercial landscape.

Kind regards --- Axel Niedenhoff   <><


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