Forum > Portuguese
Editor WYSIWYG FreePascal
Não encontrei uma solução.
Preciso de um editor que salve como .html
Não precisa ter muitas propriedades, apenas que tenha formatação em texto, listas, etc..
Tentei usar o fpDoc, LzRichEdit, LazHelp e não consigo salvar para .html
Procurei algo como rtftohtml para usar no freepascal e nada, nada e nada.
Pretendo usar o thtmlport para visualizar os dados (string contendo o código .html), mas não encontrei uma solução "editor .html", nem uma gambiarra para converter .rtf (do componente lzRichEdit) para .html
Alguém poderia me ajudar com isso? Nunca vi uma solução final sobre esse assunto, procurei no Google e nada...
Agradeço muito por qualquer informação, pode ser em qualquer idioma, desde que tenha códigos do Lazarus, o resto eu me viro.
Esqueci de dizer:
Usei o componente XDevToolKit mas não reconhece o .rtf do LzRichEdit, ele procura por mais um arquivo .hpj
Can't open WinHelp project file /home/meulinux/teste.hpj
CvtHelp & HelpUtil: Convert WinHelp RTF to HTML:
Sorry - I cannot resist ...
--- Quote ---Sorry, my English is bad. Using Google Translator
--- End quote ---
Is Google Translator broken?
It translated Portuguese to Portuguese? grin
I have not found a solution.
I need an editor to save as. Html
No need to have many properties, only to have text formatting, lists, etc. ..
I tried to use fpDoc, LzRichEdit, LazHelp and I can not save to. Html
I tried to use something like rtftohtml in FreePascal and nothing, nothing and nothing.
Thtmlport intend to use to view the data (string containing the code. Html), but have not found a solution "editor. Html", or a workaround to convert. RTF (lzRichEdit component) to. Html
Could anyone help me with this? I've never seen a final solution on this issue, googled and nothing ...
I am very grateful for any information, can be in any language, provided they have codes of Lazarus, the rest I turn.
--- Quote ---Sorry - I cannot resist ...
Is Google Translator broken?
It translated Portuguese to Portuguese? grin
--- End quote ---
You're in the Portuguese forum, so here, I write in my language.
--- Quote from: meulinux on October 21, 2011, 12:27:20 am ---You're in the Portuguese forum, so here, I write in my language.
--- End quote ---
Well, I made the same assumption...
Some people like me, use the "recent unread" overview. And it does not tell you which forum a message is in.
I learned to ignore anything where the subject is not English. But you used an English subject... Not your fault. But it leads to the assumption there is an English message.
Thank you.
As you suggested, I was browsing the "Recent", not in the Portuguese forum and I did not check the bread crumbs line to see in which forum the message was posted.
There has been a habit in the forum for quite some time to do translations, which I liked. Many of the contributors who choose to write first in their language and translate to English have had great questions, hints or solutions. Having language specific forums deprives a large set of forum users of those resources and restricts the resources who can help the language specific posters.
meulinux, I was teasing, not chiding. I was amused by the tag line, given that none of the message was in English.
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