I know the components are not hard to use. I'm sure I can figure that part out, as I use the original SynEdit in Delphi to write the CoffeeCup Software HTML Editor.
I'm talking about things that you need to know prior to using it, like installation, especially since Lazarus uses SynEdit for the IDE, what are the implications of updating it, supported OS's, etc. Stuff like that.
You mention that the documentation "should be" on the project page, but it isn't. This is what I'm talking about. If their code is commented, and you can use pasdoc to output to HTML, why the heck doesn't someone output the fricken thing and upload it to the page?
Not only that, but the SourceForge project specifically states "Compatibility with FreePascal / Lazarus is planned, and the editor in the Lazarus IDE is indeed a SynEdit-port, but based on the 1.1 version and with some additions. " So that leaves me wondering, will this break Lazarus or what? Which version is this? It's just like any other SourceForge project which can be summed up with "Here's some code, good luck sucker!"
I specifically asked about 2.0.5. Why does it exist? Is it better?
I've written over 15 commercial Delphi apps over the period of 14 years, I would really like to port some of my code to Lazarus, but I'm having a difficult time dealing with the missing, outdated and incorrect wiki information on Lazarus. I really want to get into and contribute to Lazarus, but it really seems like it's just a free-for-all project with no one running the show.