@mrisco, removing an "About" property is on grey area. It is part of the source code which your license allows to modify.
You have a readme.txt file for author and license info. It must be retained obviously and that's what CodeTyphon does, if I understood correctly.
You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and the date of any change.
Ok, that is quite strict rule. Using a revision control tool would be everybody's benefit I think. I am amazed that they still don't use one.
Does GPL has this requirement, too? I don't even know the details.
I really like PilotLogic work but removing about box from Lazarus? :O IMO evil karma.
No, it is called branding. Nothing bad with it.
Think of Linux distros, they have a vital "ecosystem". Ubuntu (and many others) forked from Debian and added its own brand signs everywhere.
Then Mint forked Ubuntu and switched to their own branding. Do you see text "Ubuntu" somewhere in Mint's GUIs? No you don't!
Why don't people oppose those Linux distro forks but they keep opposing Lazarus forks? I am puzzled.
The fact is that GPL license allows to change or remove the About box in Lazarus!
License and author info is in text files which are retained IIRC. This was one of the false accusations against PilotLogic.
During the flame-war I remember comments like:
Ok, CodeTyphon follows the license but their action is morally wrong.OMG what non-sense. In other words :
We have chosen GPL but nobody should follow its ideas because it is immoral.The fundamental idea of open source licenses is so great! Copy other people's code, improve it and publish it for others to copy from.
Top Linux distros are so good now because they have executed that idea to its full extent.
I would like to see something similar around this project. Why is it opposed by so many people?
CodeTyphon is an inspiration for me. I am impressed of some things they did and want to improve over it. All the source code is there, I had no problems getting it.