Forum > Debugger
compile error with TForm1
hi everybody. I have made an aplication. And when I run my project before saved, everything is ok. but after I saved my project, it is giving error.
Error is "Identifier not found"TForm1". Fatal: syntax error, "." expected but "I" found.
How can i solve this problem? thanks.
At the same time i run on windows.
--- Quote from: "Guest" ---hi everybody. I have made an aplication. And when I run my project before saved, everything is ok. but after I saved my project, it is giving error.
Error is "Identifier not found"TForm1". Fatal: syntax error, "." expected but ")" found.
How can i solve this problem? thanks.
At the same time i run on windows.
--- End quote ---
check for syntax errors at the end of your code.
also check if you have too many end; in your code.
hi. thank you for your opinion. I have solved this problem. When I give as the same name project.lpr and to unit the section, it was giving error. Then I changed name of project.lpr and I again saved. And everything is ok. I don't know that why it become. bye
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