Forum > Operating Systems
Inconsistency between Windows and Linux compiling?
--- Quote from: Zoran on July 03, 2011, 12:23:19 pm ---Does not work. Setting the ExceptionMask to empty set in program start creates many new exceptions and the application crashes.
--- End quote ---
Masking something means you don't want it to throw exceptions. So when you provide an empty exception mask it'll throw exceptions for every bad operation :)
If you set the mask to [exInvalidOp,exZeroDivide] then it won't throw exceptions when those things occur
--- Quote from: Laksen on July 03, 2011, 12:36:33 pm ---
--- Quote from: Zoran on July 03, 2011, 12:23:19 pm ---Does not work. Setting the ExceptionMask to empty set in program start creates many new exceptions and the application crashes.
--- End quote ---
Masking something means you don't want it to throw exceptions. So when you provide an empty exception mask it'll throw exceptions for every bad operation :)
If you set the mask to [exInvalidOp,exZeroDivide] then it won't throw exceptions when those things occur
--- End quote ---
Okay, it certanly is a logical explanation. :)
However, I still find that this is not easy to control, I believe that this floating point behavior should be consistent on all platforms and widgetsets, I mean that it must be known what the default is and programmer should not set this exception mask depending on widgeset/OS, unless (s)he explicitely wants non-default behavior, don't you agree? So, I am going to make a bug report about this.
Thank you, Laksen.
I created bug report:
This simple test:
--- Code: ---uses
... math,...
FPUException: TFPUException;
FPUExceptionMask: TFPUExceptionMask;
FPUExceptionMask := GetExceptionMask;
for FPUException := Low(TFPUException) to High(TFPUException) do begin
if FPUException in FPUExceptionMask then begin
write(' ', FPUException);
writeln('Not masked:');
for FPUException := Low(TFPUException) to High(TFPUException) do begin
if not (FPUException in FPUExceptionMask) then begin
write(' ', FPUException);
--- End code ---
gives this output when we don't use Gtk2:
exDenormalized exUnderflow exPrecision
Not masked:
exInvalidOp exZeroDivide exOverflow
With Gtk2, only exOverflow is not masked.
Vincent Snijders:
Nice write up in the wiki. :)
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